Integrative Health Consulting (IHC) is an intensively client-focused process and is based greatly on the Wheel of Health from Duke Integrative Medicine.  IHC will help clients gain new and inspiring insights into what areas of their lives will help improve their whole health.  As a client, I will partner with you to help identify obstacles to your best health and work with you to establish sustainable SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, timed) goals.


IHC puts you at the center of own health where you are an informed participant and designer of your desired health.  We will draw on the best information about conventional and unconventional medicine, self-care and transformation.  We will address the areas that you identify as most important around the Wheel of Health related but not limited to:

  • Mind-Body Connection
  • Movement, Exercise, Rest
  • Physical Environment
  • Personal and Professional Development
  • Nutrition
  • Relationships and Communication
  • Spirituality